
Guide to Save On Mililani Mauka, Hawaii Homeowners Insurance backed by deep local research including how to compare, ask for discounts & other techniques.

Get Quotes From The Best & Compare

Get Multiple Quotes from Mililani Mauka, HI Home Insurance companies & pick the cheapest one

Example Mililani Mauka, HI Homeowners Insurance Comparison

House Details: 3 Beds, 1 Baths 1,890 sqft home near Ainana Pl, Moelehua Pl, Meakino St, Kihene St, Kopalani St, Ahoka St, Kuahewa St, Haloku Pl, Luaehu Pl, Palii St, Kuauna Pl, Hookowa St, Pahaku Pl, Mua Pl, Auina St, Liho St, Hoahiahi Pl, Inana Pl, Puukaa St, Melekomo Pl.

House Value: $463,000

Insurance Company Coverage Amount Deductible

Liberty Mutual

Nearby Agents:
  1. Aurea S Garcia, 98-211 Pali Momi St. Ste 520, Aiea, HI
  2. Ashley Kekaualua Lutcf, 711 Kapiolani Blvd Ste 1100, Honolulu, HI
$900000 - $1000000 $2500 - $5000 Deductible

State Farm

Nearby Agents:
  1. Gary Nakamura, 1016 Kapahulu Ave Ste 250, Honolulu, HI
  2. Susan Yanabu Ihle, 95-390 Kuahelani Ave Ste 3f, Mililani, HI
  3. Kelly Harada, 1221 Kapiolani Boulevard, Honolulu, HI
$700000 - $800000 $2500 - $5000 Deductible


Nearby Agents:
  1. Reid Tokujo, 1090 Keolu Dr Ste 107, Kailua, HI
  2. Calen Matsuno, 803 Kamehameha Hwy Ste 414, Pearl City, HI
  3. Keala N Kamai, 450 Kamehameha Hwy Ste 8, Pearl City, HI
$600000 - $700000 $1000 - $2500 Deductible

Ask for all Discount Options

Example Discounts provided by Mililani Mauka, HI Homeowners Insurance companies

  1. eDocument of 3% from Bunker Hill Home Insurance
  2. Single Story Discount of 7.5% from AAA INSURANCE
  3. Home buyer discount of 10% from AllState Insurance Company

Buy Your Mililani Mauka, HI Home & Auto Insurance from the Same Company

Example Savings from Bundling Your Car & Home Insurance

Mililani Mauka, HI Car Insurance Mililani Mauka, HI Home Insurance
Details Dodge, Durango Crew 4 Beds, 3 Baths 3,050 Square Feet worth $957,500
Insurance Rates Individually $925 $900
Savings from buying both from the same company $351

Data & Statistics On Owner Occupied Homes & Vehicles For Mililani Mauka, HI Compared To Nearby Areas

City Owner Occupied Homes Owner Occupied Homes with 1 Car Owner Occupied Homes with 2 Cars Owner Occupied Homes with more than 2 Cars
Mililani Mauka 6002 1101 3464 1307
Kawela Bay 84 44 22 9
Olowalu 17 14 3 0
Waiehu 2,054 333 682 987
Waianae 6,702 1,594 2,383 2,518
Ewa Gentry 4,955 961 2,483 1,432
Laie 402 109 123 155
Kailua 9,688 1,855 4,403 3,250
Makaha 1,108 384 395 279
Pearl City 10,039 2,188 4,102 3,347
Ewa 64,152 13,263 28,093 20,892
Aiea 2,140 415 792 842
Makaha Valley 236 111 73 46
Waialua 1,803 443 780 555
Waikane 158 43 65 46
Lanai 604 179 208 205
Halawa 2,682 536 1,185 860
Wahiawa 3,403 703 1,236 1,266
Kualapuu 383 104 176 87
Eleele 519 63 177 265
Kaaawa 252 65 105 76