
Simple techniques to save on Saylor, Iowa Home Insurance including easily comparing multiple rates.

Get Quotes From The Best & Compare

Get Multiple Quotes from Saylor, IA Home Insurance companies & pick the cheapest one

Example Saylor, IA Homeowners Insurance Comparison

House Details: 3 Beds, 1 Baths 2,250 sqft home near SE 54th St, NW 4th Ct, NW 67th Ave, NE 1st St, NW 57th Pl, NE 45th Pl, NE 55th Ave, NW 49th Pl, NE 5th St, NE 50th Ave, NW Broadway Ave, NW 43rd Pl, NE 44th Ave, NE 17th St, NE 56th Ave, NW 50th Pl, NE 57th Ave, NE 50th Pl, NW 46th Pl, NE 58th Ave.

House Value: $263,500

Insurance Company Coverage Amount Deductible


Nearby Agents:
  1. American Feed Industry Insurance Company, 4685 Merle Hay Rd Suite 200, Des Moines, IA
  2. Maytag, 1776 West Lakes Pkwy, West Des Moines, IA
  3. Notary Rotary Inc, 500 New York Ave, Des Moines, IA
$600000 - $700000 > $10,000 Deductible


Nearby Agents:
  1. Betty Bebout, 3636 Westown Pkwy Ste 101, West Des Moines, IA
  2. James Starkweather, 206 W Hickman Rd, Waukee, IA
  3. David Sartin, 3317 109th St, Urbandale, IA
$100000 - $125000 $500 Deductible


Nearby Agents:
  1. Hoyng Insurance Group Llc, 2180 Nw 156th St. Ste 103, Clive, IA
  2. Mccartan Ins Group Inc, 640 S 50th Street Suite 2140, West Des Moines, IA
  3. Jeremie Jordan, 655 Walnut St Ste 136, Des Moines, IA
$200000 - $250000 $2500 - $5000 Deductible


Nearby Agents:
  1. Jerry Jenkins Lutcf, 8525 Douglas Ave Ste 33, Urbandale, IA
  2. Danny Richardson Lutcf, 116 1st Ave N Ste A, Altoona, IA
  3. Kaylynn Ngo, 1557 2nd Ave, Des Moines, IA
$300000 - $350000 $1000 - $2500 Deductible

Ask for all Discount Options

Example Discounts provided by Saylor, IA Homeowners Insurance companies

  1. Claims-Free Discount of 20% from Nationwide Insurance Company
  2. New Home Discount of 15% from American Family Insurance
  3. Green Home Discount of 5% from Travelers Insurance
  4. Protective Device Discount of 28% from Bunker Hill Home Insurance

Buy Your Saylor, IA Home & Auto Insurance from the Same Company

Example Savings from Bundling Your Car & Home Insurance

Saylor, IA Car Insurance Saylor, IA Home Insurance
Details BMW, 640i 4 Beds, 3 Baths 1,940 Square Feet worth $211,500
Insurance Rates Individually $1,160 $2,232
Savings from buying both from the same company $543

Data & Statistics On Owner Occupied Homes & Vehicles For Saylor, IA Compared To Nearby Areas

City Owner Occupied Homes Owner Occupied Homes with 1 Car Owner Occupied Homes with 2 Cars Owner Occupied Homes with more than 2 Cars
Saylor 1798 219 947 532
Urbandale 12,771 2,909 6,778 2,929
Adams 400 28 105 246
Altoona 4,132 807 2,212 1,105
Dallas Center 541 130 197 209
Spring Valley 1,807 401 788 609
Sandyville 27 12 8 7
Delaware 2,908 887 1,254 715
Bouton 32 6 16 10
Runnells 164 25 50 86
St. Marys 39 4 13 22
Mitchellville 533 92 253 176
Luther 61 15 22 24
Washington 4,935 1,261 2,660 839
New Albany 378 73 125 177
Allen 1,260 324 474 453
Lee 15,102 4,426 6,302 3,787
Dallas County 20,080 4,090 10,405 5,332
Woodward 354 108 116 124
Linn 2,206 337 1,072 780
Granger 372 56 178 121