
Simple techniques to save on Hampton Falls, NH Home Insurance including easily comparing multiple rates.

Get Quotes From The Best & Compare

Get Multiple Quotes from Hampton Falls, NH Home Insurance companies & pick the cheapest one

Example Hampton Falls, NH Homeowners Insurance Comparison

House Details: 3 Beds, 2 Baths 2,260 sqft home near Starvish Ln, Stard Rd, Penhollow Ln, Pages Ln, Woodlawn Ave, McAllister Ln, Curtis Rd, Swain Dr, Marsh Ln, Crystal Dr, Linden Rd, Parsonage Rd, Nason Rd, Blakes Ln, Lincoln Ave, Applewood Dr, Batchelder Ln, Karens Ct, Orchard Dr, Foggs Corner.

House Value: $459,000

Insurance Company Coverage Amount Deductible

Liberty Mutual

Nearby Agents:
  1. Brandon Neudecker, 100 International Dr. Suite 140, Portsmouth, NH
  2. Brian Cisneros, 92 Portsmouth Ave Ste 5, Exeter, NH
$500000-$600000 $500- $1000 Deductible

State Farm

Nearby Agents:
  1. Jerry Brown, 15 Ermer Rd Unit 207, Salem, NH
  2. Bobby Donnelly, 472 State Route 111, Hampstead, NH
  3. Chris Chapman, 114 Calef Hwy Ste E, Epping, NH
$300000-$350000 > $10,000 Deductible


    $400000-$500000 $2500-$5000 Deductible


    Nearby Agents:
    1. Macdonald & Pangione, 104 Main St , North Andover, MA
    2. Fred C Church Inc, Two International Dr Ste 110 , Portsmouth, NH
    3. Bernard M Sullivan Insurance Agency Inc, 12 Market Street, Ipswich, MA
    $600000-$700000 $2500-$5000 Deductible

    Ask for all Discount Options

    Example Discounts provided by Hampton Falls, NH Homeowners Insurance companies

    1. Age of insured discount of 15% from Nationwide Insurance Company
    2. Newer Homes of 20% from Bunker Hill Home Insurance
    3. Dwelling Age Discount of 48% from Encompass Insurance
    4. Claims-Free Discount of 20% from AllState Insurance Company

    Buy Your Hampton Falls, NH Home & Auto Insurance from the Same Company

    Example Savings from Bundling Your Car & Home Insurance

    Hampton Falls, NH Car Insurance Hampton Falls, NH Home Insurance
    Details Lexus, IS 250 4 Beds, 2 Baths 3,390 Square Feet worth $722,000
    Insurance Rates Individually $2,267 $2,556
    Savings from buying both from the same company $1,282

    Data & Statistics On Owner Occupied Homes & Vehicles For Hampton Falls, NH Compared To Nearby Areas

    City Owner Occupied Homes Owner Occupied Homes with 1 Car Owner Occupied Homes with 2 Cars Owner Occupied Homes with more than 2 Cars
    Hampton Falls 756 101 388 260
    Windham 4,414 585 2,124 1,669
    Kensington 728 114 269 329
    by 1,438 266 749 399
    Essex County 183,078 49,199 89,373 38,974
    Durham 2,029 284 1,137 551
    Cape Neddick 1,156 414 452 243
    Manchester 22,196 6,213 10,750 4,601
    Ipswich 4,243 1,075 2,247 856
    Beverly 9,595 2,407 4,900 1,936
    Hampton Beach 599 284 215 81
    Danvers 7,301 1,883 3,765 1,540
    South Berwick 2,068 563 887 618
    Groveland 2,091 467 1,012 603
    Dracut 8,799 2,198 4,045 2,275
    Eliot 2,104 386 1,118 574
    Newton 1,367 157 679 523
    Rochester 8,858 2,604 4,082 1,935
    Rye 1,956 424 762 695
    Portsmouth 5,432 1,923 2,431 964
    Rollinsford 759 172 335 222