
Simple Ways that you can execute to Save on Brentwood, New York Home Insurance. For example, compare multiple quotes & ask for discounts

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Get Multiple Quotes from Brentwood, NY Home Insurance companies & pick the cheapest one

Example Brentwood, NY Homeowners Insurance Comparison

House Details: 3 Beds, 2 Baths 1,220 sqft home near Campion St, Trader Ln, Greg Ln, Orient Ave, Arizona Ave, Merrill St, Olm St, Brentwood Pkwy, Dolce St, W 26th St, Campus Rd, Swallow Ln, Thomas St, Fir Pl, Kohl Ct, Loeffler St, Par Ln N, Winfield Ave, Tabor St, Scaup Ct.

House Value: $161,000

Insurance Company Coverage Amount Deductible


    $400000 - $500000 $5000 to $10,000 Deductible

    State Farm

    Nearby Agents:
    1. Bob Schumacher, 134 Broadway, Amityville, NY
    2. Bill Dacosta, 587 Broadway, Massapequa, NY
    3. James B Lavelle, 420 Lexington Ave Rm 2445, New York, NY
    $400000 - $500000 $500 Deductible


    Nearby Agents:
    1. Steven Millner, 1930 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Islandia, NY
    2. Jacqueline Mcclafferty, 93 Main St Ste 1d, West Sayville, NY
    3. Barry Mednick, 544 Woodbury Rd, Plainview, NY
    $150000 - $175000 $500 Deductible


    Nearby Agents:
    1. Jugdeep Singh, 374 S Oyster Bay Rd, Hicksville, NY
    2. Gerard Gerry Dolan, 120 Laurel Rd Ste D, E Northport, NY
    3. Robert Schwartz, 2821 N Jerusalem Rd, East Meadow, NY
    $400000 - $500000 > $10,000 Deductible

    Ask for all Discount Options

    Example Discounts provided by Brentwood, NY Homeowners Insurance companies

    1. personal status discounts of 5% from Nationwide Insurance Company
    2. Paid in Full of 3% from Bunker Hill Home Insurance
    3. Dwelling Age Discount of 48% from Encompass Insurance
    4. Single Story Discount of 7.5% from AAA INSURANCE

    Buy Your Brentwood, NY Home & Auto Insurance from the Same Company

    Example Savings from Bundling Your Car & Home Insurance

    Brentwood, NY Car Insurance Brentwood, NY Home Insurance
    Details Lincoln, Navigator 4 Beds, 1 Baths 3,080 Square Feet worth $548,000
    Insurance Rates Individually $1,582 $1,356
    Savings from buying both from the same company $700

    Data & Statistics On Owner Occupied Homes & Vehicles For Brentwood, NY Compared To Nearby Areas

    City Owner Occupied Homes Owner Occupied Homes with 1 Car Owner Occupied Homes with 2 Cars Owner Occupied Homes with more than 2 Cars
    Brentwood 10096 1813 3953 4089
    Stony Brook 4,350 855 1,877 1,469
    Oyster Bay 87,101 18,217 41,381 24,893
    Plainview 8,458 1,604 4,272 2,279
    Head of the Harbor 453 42 189 205
    Huntington 58,803 11,876 28,239 17,167
    Massapequa 6,848 1,287 3,265 2,038
    Medford 6,639 1,327 3,084 1,952
    Deer Park 7,787 1,899 3,226 2,366
    Babylon 52,864 11,608 23,134 16,206
    Centereach 8,528 1,270 3,909 3,093
    Dix Hills 7,776 911 3,753 2,956
    Poquott 319 68 144 107
    Levittown 15,410 2,913 7,374 4,438
    Amityville 2,405 571 1,217 520
    Massapequa Park 5,431 1,160 2,647 1,492
    Lake Ronkonkoma 5,181 876 2,391 1,778
    Eatons Neck 474 115 186 162
    Laurel Hollow 555 48 248 248
    West Hills 1,797 426 788 573
    Hicksville 11,466 2,740 5,175 3,117