
A guide to save on Howland Center, Ohio Home Insurance including comparing your quotes from multiple providers.

Get Quotes From The Best & Compare

Get Multiple Quotes from Howland Center, OH Home Insurance companies & pick the cheapest one

Example Howland Center, OH Homeowners Insurance Comparison

House Details: 3 Beds, 2 Baths 1,880 sqft home near Springwood Trce SE, Twp Hwy 575 SE, Greenleaf Ave NE, Twp Hwy 1234 SE, Thorn Dr NE, Riviera Ct, Old Farm Trl NE, Co Hwy 156 SE, Singing Hills Dr NE, Fairhill Dr NE, Eagle Trace St NE, Twp Hwy 875 SE, Twp Hwy 1325 SE, Cranbrook Ave NE, Cranbrook Ctr, Twp Hwy 1183 NE, Twp Hwy 1282 SE, Howland Terrace Blvd, Twp Hwy 1332 NE, Flora Ct.

House Value: $141,000

Insurance Company Coverage Amount Deductible


Nearby Agents:
  1. The Agent Insurance Services, 60 Boardman Canfield Road Suite 3, Boardman, OH
  2. Stonybrook Insurance Agency, 501 Stoneybrook Lane, Canfield, OH
  3. Ralph C Mehler Agency Inc., 62 E Shenango Street, Sharpsville, PA
$150000 - $175000 $500 Deductible

GEICO Insurance

    $175000 - $200000 $5000 to $10,000 Deductible

    Chubb Group of Insurance

      $200000 - $250000 $1000 - $2500 Deductible


      Nearby Agents:
      1. Cynthia Fehr, 4280 Boardman Canfield Rd, Canfield, OH
      2. Rachelle Durkin, 3722 Starrs Centre Dr, Canfield, OH
      3. Kevin Gavitt, 3578 Niles Cortland Rd Ne, Cortland, OH
      $300000 - $350000 $2500 - $5000 Deductible

      Ask for all Discount Options

      Example Discounts provided by Howland Center, OH Homeowners Insurance companies

      1. Age of construction discount of 30% from Nationwide Insurance Company
      2. New Home Discount of 10% from American Family Insurance
      3. Green Home Discount of 5% from Travelers Insurance
      4. Advanced Issue of 5% from Bunker Hill Home Insurance

      Buy Your Howland Center, OH Home & Auto Insurance from the Same Company

      Example Savings from Bundling Your Car & Home Insurance

      Howland Center, OH Car Insurance Howland Center, OH Home Insurance
      Details Ford, Mustang 4 Beds, 2 Baths 2,130 Square Feet worth $213,000
      Insurance Rates Individually $1,875 $780
      Savings from buying both from the same company $534

      Data & Statistics On Owner Occupied Homes & Vehicles For Howland Center, OH Compared To Nearby Areas

      City Owner Occupied Homes Owner Occupied Homes with 1 Car Owner Occupied Homes with 2 Cars Owner Occupied Homes with more than 2 Cars
      Howland Center 2023 453 1144 409
      Warren 9,507 3,818 3,929 1,317
      Middlefield 870 118 183 95
      Masury 655 144 336 131
      Reynolds Heights 627 261 292 58
      Morgandale 382 203 109 51
      Bazetta 2,072 542 920 572
      Boardman 12,521 3,752 5,813 2,614
      Brookfield Center 394 89 204 85
      Middlesex 273 100 120 48
      Austintown 11,265 2,970 5,300 2,754
      Vienna Center 306 54 193 59
      McDonald 1,004 283 496 187
      Newton 2,614 823 1,106 637
      New Bedford 395 64 157 139
      Weathersfield 7,523 2,678 2,813 1,784
      Pulaski 1,281 330 536 338
      Niles 5,295 1,971 2,135 979
      Fowler 689 142 309 223
      Struthers 3,171 1,048 1,179 793
      Ellsworth 707 165 259 277