
Advice backed by data to Save on Annandale, Virginia Home Insurance. Get quotes from top companies, compare rates, push for discounts & save big!

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Get Multiple Quotes from Annandale, VA Home Insurance companies & pick the cheapest one

Example Annandale, VA Homeowners Insurance Comparison

House Details: 3 Beds, 2 Baths 2,250 sqft home near Carol Ln, Denver Ct, John Ct, Patriot Dr, Randolph Dr, Fern Ln, Talmadge Ct, Farr St, Crest Dr, Wills Ln, Erie St, Pine Dr, Kenneth Dr, Silver Maple Pl, Little River Run Dr, Major Ct, Lanier St, Ramblewood Ct, Billings Dr, Brad St.

House Value: $538,000

Insurance Company Coverage Amount Deductible


Nearby Agents:
  1. Rust Ins Agency Llc, 1510 H St Nw 5th Fl, Washington, DC
  2. Federal Insurance Federation Inc, 5800 Hubbard Dr, Rockville, MD
  3. Dominion General Ins Agency Llc, 3421 Commission Ct Ste 100, Woodbridge, VA
$700000 - $800000 $2500 - $5000 Deductible


Nearby Agents:
  1. Mohamed Soliman, 8405 Richmond Hwy Ste E, Alexandria, VA
  2. Hui Mei Tai, 5017c Backlick Rd, Annandale, VA
  3. Elizabeth Carroll, 8218 Wisconsin Ave Ste P16, Bethesda, MD
$700000 - $800000 $1000 - $2500 Deductible

Chubb Group of Insurance

    $200000 - $250000 $5000 to $10,000 Deductible


    Nearby Agents:
    1. Demba Ndiaye, 11091 Sunset Hills Rd Ste 800, Reston, VA
    2. Un Joo Jun, 4103 Chain Bridge Rd Ste 203, Fairfax, VA
    3. Idalma Contreras-Funes, 9300 Peabody St Ste 106, Manassas, VA
    $400000 - $500000 $500 Deductible

    Ask for all Discount Options

    Example Discounts provided by Annandale, VA Homeowners Insurance companies

    1. personal status discounts of 5% from Nationwide Insurance Company
    2. Multi-Policy Discount of 15% from Travelers Insurance
    3. Policy Renewals at the Same Agent of 5% from Bunker Hill Home Insurance
    4. Home buyer discount of 10% from AllState Insurance Company

    Buy Your Annandale, VA Home & Auto Insurance from the Same Company

    Example Savings from Bundling Your Car & Home Insurance

    Annandale, VA Car Insurance Annandale, VA Home Insurance
    Details Chevrolet, Equinox LTZ AWD 4 Beds, 2 Baths 2,980 Square Feet worth $673,500
    Insurance Rates Individually $1,370 $2,376
    Savings from buying both from the same company $1,252

    Data & Statistics On Owner Occupied Homes & Vehicles For Annandale, VA Compared To Nearby Areas

    City Owner Occupied Homes Owner Occupied Homes with 1 Car Owner Occupied Homes with 2 Cars Owner Occupied Homes with more than 2 Cars
    Annandale 8250 2137 3439 2465
    Woodburn 2,097 394 1,066 621
    Kingstowne 3,941 1,247 2,114 509
    Bailey's Crossroads 3,768 1,858 1,047 654
    Dranesville 31,520 5,142 15,390 10,484
    Fort Hunt 5,481 832 2,835 1,747
    Silver Hill 857 506 259 40
    Oxon Hill 4,050 1,374 1,404 1,155
    Fair Lakes 1,877 505 980 392
    Falls Church 3,024 960 1,185 752
    Chevy Chase Section Three 228 61 132 32
    Hillcrest Heights 3,513 1,436 1,396 543
    Cabin John 817 196 302 306
    Fort Washington 7,465 1,476 3,428 2,468
    National Harbor 848 306 338 184
    Burke Centre 4,707 1,168 2,428 1,069
    Fair Oaks 6,516 2,008 3,454 968
    Chevy Chase Section Five 241 52 121 62
    Fort Belvoir 0 0 0 0
    Burke 11,840 1,771 6,111 3,896
    Great Falls 4,681 323 2,058 2,270