
Simple Ways that you can execute to Save on Bailey'S Crossroads, Virginia Home Insurance. For example, compare multiple quotes & ask for discounts

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Get Multiple Quotes from Bailey's Crossroads, VA Home Insurance companies & pick the cheapest one

Example Bailey's Crossroads, VA Homeowners Insurance Comparison

House Details: 2 Beds, 1 Baths 900 sqft home near Culmore Ct, Moray Ln, Scoville St, Brill Ct, Forest Dr, Wilkins Dr, Co Rd 714, Glen Carlyn Rd, Skyline Heights Ct, S Jefferson St, Powell Ln, S Hamilton Dr, Longwood Dr, Robinwood Ln, Lee Ct, N Rosser St, Madison Park Dr, Barcroft View Ter, Carver Pl, Kimble Ct.

House Value: $142,000

Insurance Company Coverage Amount Deductible


Nearby Agents:
  1. Reese Yeatman & Associates Inc, 4704 Highland Ave , Bethesda, MD
  2. Kundra Insurance Agency Inc, 4808 Pleasant Valley Rd, Chantilly, VA
  3. Alston & Associates, 6234 Georgia Ave Nw , Washington, DC
$200000 - $250000 $5000 to $10,000 Deductible

State Farm

Nearby Agents:
  1. Pj Hemnani, 2141 P St Nw Ste 105, Washington, DC
  2. Milena B, 8305 Richmond Hwy Ste 14b, Alexandria, VA
  3. Lloyd Hammond, 7610 Pennsylvania Ave Ste 206, Forestville, MD
$400000 - $500000 > $10,000 Deductible


Nearby Agents:
  1. John A Stokes Iii, 11101-A Indian Head Hwy, Fort Washington, MD
  2. Fargo Ins & Financial Services Inc, 4216 Evergreen Lane Ste 116, Annandale, VA
  3. Johnny Randolph Jones, 11092 B Lee Hwy Ste 103, Fairfax, VA
$125000 - $150000 $5000 to $10,000 Deductible

Chubb Group of Insurance

    $125000 - $150000 $1000 - $2500 Deductible

    Ask for all Discount Options

    Example Discounts provided by Bailey's Crossroads, VA Homeowners Insurance companies

    1. Age of construction discount of 30% from Nationwide Insurance Company
    2. Multi-Policy Discount of 15% from Travelers Insurance
    3. No Claims of 13% from Bunker Hill Home Insurance
    4. Protective Devices Credit of 20% from Encompass Insurance

    Buy Your Bailey's Crossroads, VA Home & Auto Insurance from the Same Company

    Example Savings from Bundling Your Car & Home Insurance

    Bailey's Crossroads, VA Car Insurance Bailey's Crossroads, VA Home Insurance
    Details Audi, Q7 3.0 Quattro 3 Beds, 2 Baths 1,230 Square Feet worth $194,500
    Insurance Rates Individually $1,092 $564
    Savings from buying both from the same company $249

    Data & Statistics On Owner Occupied Homes & Vehicles For Bailey's Crossroads, VA Compared To Nearby Areas

    City Owner Occupied Homes Owner Occupied Homes with 1 Car Owner Occupied Homes with 2 Cars Owner Occupied Homes with more than 2 Cars
    Bailey's Crossroads 3768 1858 1047 654
    Burke 11,840 1,771 6,111 3,896
    Marlow Heights 933 204 400 279
    Chillum 4,189 1,295 1,559 1,119
    Lorton 3,806 865 1,739 1,202
    Braddock 24,880 5,028 11,725 7,812
    Kensington 2,620 613 1,381 524
    Temple Hills 1,161 406 515 166
    Bethesda 17,022 5,188 8,087 3,318
    Takoma Park 3,524 1,201 1,735 480
    Fort Washington 7,465 1,476 3,428 2,468
    Camp Springs 5,890 1,672 2,181 1,883
    McLean 14,830 2,405 7,379 4,734
    Hayfield 1,286 250 606 423
    Mantua 1,870 166 931 759
    Cabin John 817 196 302 306
    Crosspointe 1,793 108 732 928
    Alexandria 28,403 13,116 11,115 3,048
    Huntington 2,744 1,643 727 306
    Fort Hunt 5,481 832 2,835 1,747
    Hillcrest Heights 3,513 1,436 1,396 543